Types of Speech and Language Disorders and How Speech Therapy Can Help

Speech therapy provides treatments to aid adults and children suffering from various speech and language disorders. Speech therapies improve an individual’s ability to produce sounds correctly, understand word meanings accurately and form coherent sentences.

KidSense speech therapy Adelaide can also treat issues with swallowing and facial movement issues, and even help alleviate stuttering in children. Parents participating in their child’s therapy sessions typically see greater success with treatment results.


Dysarthria is a speech disorder caused by neurological damage to muscles used for speaking, leading to uncoordinated or weaker speech muscles, and ultimately leading to breathing and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia). Dysarthria symptoms vary depending on its cause: neuromuscular disorders, stroke or other degenerative neurological diseases may all have similar results in terms of symptoms that surface, from slurred speech, difficulty moving lips tongue and jaw or breathing issues; difficulty speaking/mumbling words together to breathing difficulties caused by difficulty swallowing difficult (dysphagia). Types of dysarthria depend on their cause as neuromuscular conditions such as neuromuscular conditions or stroke or degenerative neurological diseases that manifest themselves through specific symptoms arising due to damage in certain nerves.

Speech therapy for dysarthria typically includes exercises that strengthen facial, mouth and tongue muscles; techniques designed to increase speed and strength of speech production; as well as strategies for communicating through nonverbal communication methods if necessary. The goal is to help those living with dysarthria achieve a higher quality of life while being better understood by others.

Speech-language pathologists employ numerous evaluations and tests to diagnose dysarthria and assess its severity. They will observe how your mouth, jaw and throat move as you speak and listen for signs of dysarthria; for instance, strained, breathy, nasal or robotic speech sounds; they’ll test how well you use facial, neck and chest muscles during breathing or swallowing, observe eating patterns as well as check if certain medications affect symptoms, as well as whether their effects can be reversed.


Stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to your brain becomes suddenly reduced or interrupted, potentially damaging brain cells and leading to symptoms such as slurred speech and difficulty swallowing. If any of these signs manifest themselves, call 999 immediately as stroke can be fatal if left untreated; its important to take immediate action against it to save lives.

A stroke can affect any area of your mind and body, depending on its location and severity. For instance, damage to the left side of your brain could result in aphasia – making it hard to speak clearly or understand what other people are saying – making recovery slower than anticipated – often taking months or years before reaching pre-stroke communication levels again.  A KidSense speech therapy Adelaide can help improve their speech.

Dysarthria, which is characterised by slow or slurred speech due to weak muscles used for speaking, can also occur and could be the result of stroke, multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Speech therapy can significantly enhance quality of life for stroke survivors suffering speech difficulties. A speech-language pathologist can assess your severity of symptoms and develop an individual treatment plan tailored specifically to you; some therapies are more successful than others in helping improve speech quality overall.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease causes memory and thinking functions in the brain to gradually decline, known as dementia, eventually impacting on daily tasks and lifestyle, making life increasingly difficult and independent for its sufferers.

As Alzheimer’s disease advances, individuals may become disoriented and forget certain details such as their name, the day, where they are and what they have been doing. They may have trouble with completing tasks, eating or swallowing difficulties as well as behavioural problems like irritability or depression; furthermore, they may begin harbouring groundless suspicions against friends and family (delusions), lose control over bowel or bladder usage or wander without assistance in bathing and grooming activities.

Speech therapy can greatly enhance the lives of people living with Alzheimer’s, providing better communication, and helping individuals remain independent for as long as possible. Furthermore, speech therapy may improve speech and swallowing abilities while managing other symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s.

If someone you care for shows any symptoms of Alzheimer’s, it is crucial that they consult a doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and intervention can result in better outcomes such as financial planning, advance directives, enrolling in clinical trials and anticipating care needs. Furthermore, keeping a journal of mental, emotional and behavioural changes can also be useful as can reducing stress while practicing healthy coping strategies both for themselves and for their loved ones.


Autism-afflicted children can struggle with learning spoken language, and they can benefit from a KidSense speech therapy Adelaide. Children typically acquire words and sounds by mimicking what they hear around them, which does not always allow them to understand when people talk with them. Furthermore, children may have trouble comprehending figurative language – language which means something other than what is stated – which is known as apraxia and speech therapy can provide much-needed assistance here.

Speech-language pathologists work closely with family and teachers of their clients’ children so that they may practice what they’ve been learning across environments and with multiple people at the same time, increasing communication skills much more rapidly than if working only with one individual.

Speech therapy entails teaching a child how to use sign language and picture communication techniques, along with using an AAC device for spontaneous speech production. Studies have demonstrated that speech therapy can help children with autism become better communicators as well as enhance social and cognitive abilities over time.

Speech-language pathologists (also referred to as speech and language therapists or speech pathologists) are university-trained professionals who diagnose and treat disorders of human communication systems such as articulation, stuttering and swallowing impairment. Additionally, these professionals offer training and support services for individuals living with autism spectrum disorder, traumatic brain injury or dementia who experience communication-related difficulties.