What is Remedial Massage?

Yates remedial massage Adelaide improves the condition of muscles and joints, reducing pain and stiffness. It can also increase flexibility and help prevent injury. In addition, massage can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to better sleep patterns and a healthier work-life balance. It can help relieve emotional stress, which can cause various physical problems, including gastrointestinal and digestive problems.

Mariana is a skilled and compassionate remedial massage therapist with an attention to detail. She understands the value of massage within a holistic treatment program and enjoys working with elite sporting clubs.

Improved circulation

Remedial massage therapists use various massage techniques to help ease pain, prevent injuries and improve the body’s performance. They combine several massage types, such as deep tissue, trigger point therapy and joint mobilisation. Depending on the client’s needs, these techniques can be soft, gentle, or more profound.

Remedial massage can increase venous circulation, improving blood flow and nutrients to the muscles and joints. This improved circulation is vital for healthy cells and tissues. It also encourages the movement of lymph, which removes toxins from the muscles and joints. It can particularly benefit those suffering from fibromyalgia, sciatica and arthritis.

A remedial massage can also reduce the amount of lactic acid build-up in the muscles. It can cause muscle fatigue and a loss of flexibility. A remedial massage can also break down scar tissue, increasing mobility and range of motion in the affected area.

Before a remedial massage session begins, the therapist will perform an assessment and testing to identify which structures are causing pain or injury. This information is used to create a tailored treatment plan. Remedial massage can be combined with other treatments, such as myotherapy or physiotherapy.

This type of massage focuses on the deeper layers of the muscles and connective tissues. It can be painful, but it is often effective in treating chronic muscle tightness and tension. It can also alleviate stress and boost immunity. During a deep tissue massage, the therapist may apply traction and stretching movements to loosen the muscle knots.

After a massage, the client will feel relaxed and free of pain. It is because a massage increases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. It can also relieve muscle tension and improve sleep patterns.

If you’re interested in a remedial massage, contact an experienced therapist today. Using HotDoc, you can book an online appointment at a time and location that suits you. You can also filter by gender, opening hours and billing options to find the right therapist for your needs.

Reduced pain

Yates remedial massage Adelaide uses various techniques to ease pain and aid the body’s recovery. These include deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and joint mobilisation. While these techniques can sometimes be uncomfortable, they are practical and help relieve pain. The massage also encourages blood flow, which helps release lactic acid from muscles and eases tension. It can also help improve flexibility in arthritic joints, such as the hips and knees.

Before remedial massage can begin, a therapist must perform a thorough assessment and test to identify which structures are affected. This process considers your medical history, lifestyle and any treatments you’re receiving. Your therapist can then collaborate with you to create a plan that promotes optimal well-being. It may also include stretches or exercise you can do at home to enhance your recovery.

In addition to easing pain, remedial massage can improve your overall health by reducing stress. Research has shown that massage decreases cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases serotonin and dopamine. It can improve sleep patterns, enhance concentration levels, and a healthier work-life balance.

A remedial massage can also reduce the symptoms of some conditions, such as fibromyalgia and muscular atrophy. It can also help alleviate headaches and muscle cramping and reduce the risk of injuries like whiplash. In addition, it can ease the effects of stress and depression by boosting your immune system.

Yates remedial massage Adelaide can reduce inflammation in your arms, legs and back joints. It can also reduce arthritic pain and increase mobility in joints affected by injury or illness, such as frozen shoulder or rheumatoid arthritis. Massage can also improve circulation in the extremities, which can help treat conditions such as Raynaud’s phenomenon or narrowing of the arteries in the hands and feet.

As a therapeutic approach to easing pain and improving the body’s recovery, remedial massage is ideal for athletes and those who suffer from chronically tight and sore muscles. In addition, it can help relieve emotional stress, which can cause various physical problems, including gastrointestinal issues and digestive problems.