What Causes Pain In Your Teeth?

Dealing with tooth pain can be difficult at any age. When toothache pain strikes, individuals need to know how to get quick relief to feel better fast. Understanding the causes of toothaches and how dental professionals treat them is essential.

What Is a Toothache?

A toothache causes minor to severe pain in or around the tooth. Sometimes, it is the tooth itself that is causing the pain. Other times, the gum tissue or a foreign object may be to blame. When an individual has toothache symptoms, they need to see a dentist right away to find the underlying cause to be treated. The following are some of the symptoms a person may experience when they have a toothache.

  • Tooth pain that ranges from a dull ache to a throbbing and is intermittent or constant
  • Swelling in the gum tissue around the affected tooth
  • Headache, jaw pain, or fever
  • Pus drainage and foul odors coming from the tooth
  • Bad taste coming from the tooth drainage

Some types of tooth pain may go away on their own, especially in the case of a foreign object causing the discomfort. However, a trip to the dentist is warranted if the pain persists for more than a couple of days or a person experiences swelling, fever, and pus drainage.

dentist treating teeth of female patient expressing a look of discomfort

What Causes a Toothache?

Multiple reasons can cause toothaches. When toothaches occur, individuals need to find out the cause. A person can treat some minor issues at home, but many people need to see their dentist for a diagnosis. The following are some of the common reasons a person may develop a toothache.

  • Tooth decay
  • Tooth wear from grinding
  • Enamel erosions
  • Damaged fillings
  • Tooth injuries
  • Abscesses

Seeing the dentist right away will allow individuals to learn what is causing their toothache so the dentist can treat the issue. When tooth pain rises, individuals need to know how to take action to find relief as soon as possible.

How to Treat a Toothache at Home?

Learning how to get rid of a toothache is essential, particularly for population groups affected the most by toothache. However, there are some things a person can do at home to find temporary relief. These steps should not replace seeing the dentist, but they can help offer pain relief during the wait. Take the following steps to get relief right away.

  • Rinsing with a warm saltwater solution can often offer relief from toothache pain. Saltwater helps in a few ways. It loosens debris that could be putting pressure on the teeth. It also helps with inflammation and can be used as a disinfectant.
  • Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide is also highly beneficial for inflammation and pain around a tooth.
  • A cold compress or ice pack will offer almost immediate relief. Place these over the affected area and leave no longer than twenty minutes.
  • Over-the-counter pain medications, such as NSAIDs and acetaminophen, can also offer welcome relief as a toothache treatment.

How Can the Dentist Help?

When an individual visits the dentist for tooth pain, the dentist will first conduct a complete examination. The dentist will also likely take X-rays. The exam and X-rays help discover the underlying cause of the tooth pain so the dentist can draw up a treatment plan right away.

The treatment for a toothache will depend on the cause. If decay is present, the dentist can fill the tooth, and the pain should subside rapidly. However, if the tooth is badly infected or decayed, a root canal procedure may be necessary.

If you are suffering from tooth pain, now is the time to get relief. With treatment, the dentist will take care of your tooth pain, and you will be back to feeling normal again.